Speaking with those who have come up through the "glory" years of the sport, when it was deeply engrained in American culture and was A BIG DEAL, opened some eyes.
It is definitely needed that fans BE HEARD, GOOD AND BAD. We can't work on fixing what is wrong with our sport by always being politically correct. We HAVE to be REALISTIC. Analyzing what is wrong in a constructive manner, working to get others on the same page would just be a START on what would likely involve A LOT to try an do what is possible to ensure the health and well being of motorsports, from the local levels to the top levels of racing. I don't have the magic solution. I WISH I did. He is right about attitudes being different. Folks like him are NOT getting younger. We HAVE to continue to attract new fans. I have a deep passion for this sport that many in my age group simply don't. We HAVE to try and get people hooked at a young age like I was, and keep them interested I, like Steve, plan on going until I can't go anymore. Not everyone is that way.
I ALSO want to get the perspective of new fans. WHY they were drawn to the sport. That will also be somewhat telling as to what is being done RIGHT in racing. To know what we are doing right is EQUALLY as important as knowing what we aren't as a sport.
There is no agenda here. Deep down, I am a fan who loves this sport and has since the age of 5. I know feathers MIGHT get ruffled hearing things that aren't totally positive, but it is MUCH BETTER to hear it from someone who has seen a lot and is willing to stick with the sport, then to NEVER HEAR IT from a new fan who maybe has went once or twice but may never come back due to a bad experience or experiences.